<div class="workflow_logos__wrap"><p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --></p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><div class="workflow_logo first-logo" style="background-image:url('/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Salesforce.png')"></div><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --></p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><div class="workflow_logo second-logo" style="background-image:url('/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/QB_IntuitLogo_Vert.png')"></div><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --></div><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->

Salesforce and QuickBooks Integration


Integrations between Salesforce and QuickBooks (both QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online versions) are among the most popular workflows in the Apination platform. This trend comes as no surprise because as we believe that the flow of information is the backbone of the successful business, integrating the best of breed applications, such as QuickBooks and Salesforce, to seamlessly share data infinitely increases the value you receive from these apps. In turn, this helps you, the customer of these apps, succeed.

As of this writing, QuickBooks is probably the most popular accounting software for small businesses. If you have never heard of it (Seriously?), you can read about QuickBooks Online features here. Salesforce, on the other hand, dominates the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) world. In a nutshell, Salesforce helps you organize customer data and customer interactions, improve your company’s relationship with the customer, retain and enhance their sales growth.

In most companies, while sales team lives in Salesforce their accounting counterparts spend their day in QuickBooks servicing the same customers. Therefore, it’s only natural that companies see the need to integrate and automatically sync the data between QuickBooks and Salesforce.

When to integrate Salesforce and QuickBooks

To determine if you should integrate Salesforce and QuickBooks, think about these items:

  • Do you enter, re-enter, or copy-paste information about your customers, products, inventory, prices, vendors, between the systems so you can access it in both of them?
  • Do you enter, re-enter orders between your systems?
  • Do you notice errors in the orders? For instance, wrong product code, incorrect price, incomplete shipping address, missing quantity or unit of measure, etc.?
  • Do you have all the info about the customer’s financial standing? For example terms, outstanding balance, payment history?
  • Do your sale, support, accounting and management teams looking their own, independent version of the truth data in their dashboards when making decisions?

If you answered yes, to any of the above questions, there is a high probability you are missing opportunities or losing money. Apination workflows solve the integration of Salesforce and QuickBooks puzzle, and in turn, help you address these problems.

Information We Sync





Sales Orders


Price Books



and more…






Sales Receipts





Purchase Orders


and more…

FAQ about QuickBooks and Salesforce Integration

Does Apination work with QuickBooks Desktop or QuickBooks Online?
– Yes, we work with both.

What information can I integrate between Salesforce and QuickBooks?
– We’ve designed workflows for most standard objects and add your custom objects when needed. See a sample list of information our workflows process above.

Do you maintain, update and support my integration?
– Yes. We maintain, support and update your integration.

Is your integration by-directional?
– Yes. The workflows are bi-directional. For example, you can sync your Salesforce Sales Orders to QuickBooks Invoices, or you can sync your Invoices to Sales Orders. You choose.

I have thousands of records (contacts, accounts, etc. ) in Salesforce. Do you only sync what I need?
– Yes, we sync only real customers based on how you define real. For example, sync only those accounts that have done business with you and have ‘Closed/Won Opportunity’ attached to them, or select an integration rule that works for you. You choose, we help you set things up.

Is my data secure?
– Yes, your information is encrypted and protected with high-security tools and protocols. Apination software has been reviewed and tested by an independent security firm. Your data is encrypted using your credentials. The data flows between the applications only when permission is given using the credentials only you know.

Are my credentials safe?
– Salesforce and QuickBooks use an industry standard, namely, Open Authentication (OAuth) protocols. This provides secure access and protects personal information including your login data.