How Brokermint adds QuickBooks Integration using Apination to save customer churn and increase sales.
Operating in a highly competitive market with a small team Brokermint cares deeply about making their product feature rich and efficient for their clients.
When in 2015, Brokemint noticed that a growing number of their customer expected their software to sync financials of Real Estate transactions to QuickBooks seamlessly. They sought the help from Apination.
Apination’s integration expertise and easy-to-use collection of automated business processes not only saves our customer accounts but has grown our business.
One of the primary objectives for Brokermint was to come up with a solution for syncing to QuickBooks, which exceeds customer’s expectations. “We wanted to offer the “best of breed” QuickBooks integration.” To do so in-house, would require spending months learning QuickBooks software. Experimenting, designing integration and diverting their development dollars from building core features and functions of their software product.

That’s where the partnership with Apination became invaluable. Apination is an application integration platform which helps software companies integrate their software with the software their customers use and love. The engineers, product and customer support team at Apination, love, and work all day, every day on integrating applications and helping companies connect their software and automate routine integrations. That level of dedication just can not be re-created inside any one organization focused on building their product.
How Apination’s QuickBooks Integration Impacted Brokermint?
Now, a couple or years and thousand satisfied customer’s later, we’ve asked Brokermint’s CEO, Andrew Chishchevoy to answer that question.
According to Andrew, the relationship between Brokermint and Apination, which now extends beyond the integration of QuickBooks, brought significant benefits to Brokermint. In Andrew’s words:

“We started seeing immediate benefits right away. Upon release of our integration with QuickBooks:
– customer churn went down by half.
– sales increased by 25% and provided the wherewithal to reach for larger accounts.
– we’ve saved thousands of dollars by avoiding custom solution development, liberating our team to enhance our product functionality and customer care; “
Find out the whole story of our partnership with Brokermint. Who we are, how we think and act in the Apination & Brokermint, Integrating QuickBooks case study.