In three easy clicks, your dotloop and Dropbox accounts are connected and documents automatically synced, backed up and organized. Try It!
As a real estate professional you know the importance of keeping your transaction documents secure, backed up and organized. You’ve probably heard horror stories of disputes going amiss as a result of brokers and agents failing to comply with State and Federal electronic record keeping requirements.
Even simple office moves, technology upgrades, and systems changes can present major challenges in keeping all your transaction documents organized across different platforms. Not to mention, how do you maintain greater control and security over your paperwork while keeping it readily available years after the transaction is closed?
The best way brokers and agents resolve these challenges, is by backing up and syncing documents to cost effective cloud file systems like Dropbox. Until now, this meant having to track and remember to upload files, organize them properly between transactions, and having to routinely update them when changes occur. What a headache.

We’ve solved it!

In three easy clicks, your dotloop and Dropbox accounts are connected and your documents are automatically synced, backed up and organized.
Apination, the nation’s leading real estate systems integration experts, bring you an automated backup and sync solution!
After your first sync, whether adding a document to your loop or organizing and moving files around your Dropbox folders, Apination ensures your files end up in their proper place in the correct loop.
Backup all your valuable dotloop work to Dropbox now
For a detailed description of how the sync works click here.