Reconnecting QuickBooks Online Accounts

Your QuickBooks Online account can be disconnected for a variety of reasons. It might be that your subscription has expired, you’ve changed the login credentials, or the period that you’ve authorized API Nation connection is over. Whichever case it may be, you...

FAQ about syncing dotloop documents and Dropbox

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about syncing dotloop documents with Dropbox. How can I tell if the program is sending my files to drop box? How long does the sync take? How can I tell if the program is sending my files to drop box? Within 15 minutes, you should...

QuickBooks and Real Estate

QuickBooks Online seems to be the go-to choice for real estate professionals. Brokers, agents, transaction coordinators, all find uses for it, and QuickBooks is universally accepted as easy to use and reliable accounting software for small business. This presents...

How-to Setup Real Estate Listings in QuickBooks.

“What is the right way to setup my Real Estate listings in QuickBooks Online?” A question frequently asked by customers in the Real Estate industry. This post is my attempt to share with you what we’ve learned and try to answer this question.  ...

How to connect QuickBooks Desktop

Intuit provides an application called QuickBooks Web Connector to safely connect to QuickBooks Desktop. QuickBooks Web Connector works only on Windows PCs. Mac users will need to run QuickBooks Desktop from a virtual PC to maintain integration with API Nation and...