Sync Google Contacts with Your iPhone Phone Book

Sync Google Contacts with Your iPhone Phone Book The last thing a busy real estate agent wants to do is re-type every new lead or contact from their CRM or Transaction Management app into a phone book. After all, who has time to search for phone numbers inside their...

Keep Clients in the Loop Using dotloop and Mailchimp

Keep Clients in the Loop Using dotloop and Mailchimp The real estate transaction can be a scary place for your client. There’s a lot of moving parts, things to be done, and deadlines to meet. Most clients have said they’d prefer for their agent to...

Helpful Tool to Set Your 2021 Real Estate Goals

Helpful Tool to Set Your 2021 Real Estate Goals Real Estate Pros, we made it to 2021. What a ride. Now is a good time to pause, take stock of your past year, examine what your current numbers are, and reset your goals and target numbers for the upcoming year. We know...