Propertybase Address Book Integrations

Available Address Book Syncs Google Contacts Sync SELECT Microsoft Outlook Sync SELECT Interested in using your Propertybase to it’s full potential? Check out our other Propertybase Syncs! ALL PROPERTYBASE...

Updater Integrations by API Nation

Updater Integrations by API Nation Automatically connect your clients with America’s Favorite Moving App Updater integrations with API Nation! Sync your Transaction Management System, Marketing Automation System and more to the Updater app so that clients are...

Sync your kvCORE Leads to Google Sheets to Gain Huge Insights

Customer Relationship Management tools like kvCORE are incredibly powerful and essential for real estate agents. They help you focus on leads and guide those leads towards quick conversion. Sometimes it’s helpful to take a step back and analyze data to learn what is...

Convert more kvCORE leads using API Nation’s Mailchimp Integration

Successful real estate agents know that relationships are the key to getting leads, nurturing leads and closing those deals. They’ll also tell you that relationships require a huge investment of time. A Customer Relationship Management program such as kvCORE can help...