Your transactions are your business and it is a best practices to maintain complete copies of every transaction. Most transaction management systems will save your data and do not limit storage space. Many real estate professionals use or have used a variety of...
How to Setup the Propertybase Salesforce Edition and Outlook Email Sync Propertybase Salesforce Edition can now be seamlessly connected to Microsoft Outlook. This integration will sync your email messages from Outlook to their corresponding Contact record in...
How to Setup the Propertybase Salesforce Edition and Outlook Calendar Sync Microsoft Outlook user rejoice! For so long you’ve been overlooked in favor or Google and Apple users, well this integration is for you. This automation powered by API Nation will take...
LionDesk Masterclass #4: Direct Mail to Personalize Follow Ups and Generate Leads – QuantumDigital Direct mail has become a favorite farming strategy of top producers. LionDesk now has an integration with the team at QuantumDigital so you can sync your LionDesk...
LionDesk Masterclass #3: Know Your Numbers and Business in Google Sheets $55. That is the average cost of a lead to a real estate agent or broker. Just imagine how much your collection in LionDesk is worth! We show you how to connect LionDesk to Google Sheets so you...